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When set to '1', turns on the graphical buttons in the "Edit Page" form.
        # turn on graphical edit buttons
        $EnableGUIButtons = 1;

When set to '1', posting of pages requires the author to provide an author name. Otherwise, authors can post without a name.
        # require authors to provide a name
        $EnablePostAuthorRequired = 1; 

The pattern used to determine if a page should be deleted. The default is to remove pages that contain only the single word "delete" (and optional spaces).
        # change delete word to "remove"
        $DeleteKeyPattern = "^\\s*remove\\s*$";
        # delete any page with no visible text, i.e., empty
        $DeleteKeyPattern = "^\\s*$";

Name of the page (or an array of names) to be used as the default text for any newly created pages.
        # Use 'Main.NewPageTemplate' as default text of all new pages
        $EditTemplatesFmt = 'Main.NewPageTemplate';
        # Use 'Template' in the current group for new pages
        $EditTemplatesFmt = '$Group.Template';
        # Use 'Template' in the current group if it exists, otherwise
        # use 'Main.NewPageTemplate'
        $EditTemplatesFmt = array('$Group.Template', 'Main.NewPageTemplate');

The text that should be displayed when browsing non-existent pages.
        $DefaultPageTextFmt = 'Page $Name does not exist';

This array contains the sequence of functions that are called when a page is edited. It can be customized to provide additional functions to be called as part of the editing process. The standard setting is:
        $EditFunctions = array('EditTemplates', 'RestorePage', 'ReplaceOnSave', 
          'SaveAttributes', 'PostPage', 'PostRecentChanges', 'PreviewPage'); 

With this array you can give a pattern as key and a text which should replace it when saving an edited text. The following example replaces every occurence of [[test:sometext with [[special:--sometext when you save an edited page.
        # Replace text on Save (add pattern and replacement to array $ROSPatterns)
        $ROSPatterns["/\\[\\[test:([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*)/"] = "[[special:--\$1";



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Última modificación de la página el 31 agosto 2005 a las 23h23